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Interview Project

Hollywood Dissent, Warner Brothers Studio, Burbank, CA

Curator: Davy Lauterbach

In this video, I interview myself using questions gathered from numerous artists during a studio visit. I change costumes, personas, and scenery to provide context to the question and my answer. The video examines aspects of the self and various roles we shift in and out of throughout our lives. All while highlighting the hypocrisies within both the questions and answers. Proposing that hypocrisies in contemporary society might be unavoidable. 



This video deals with issues of self-identity and insecurities. The digital posters highlight specific moments within the video. The posters are reworked by being gold-leafed, decoratively hand-cut, embroidered, and digitally enhanced.



This video deals with issues of self-identity and insecurities. The digital posters highlight specific moments within the video. The posters are reworked by being gold-leafed, decoratively hand-cut, embroidered, and digitally enhanced.

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